Gkotzias Nikos

BoD member

Nikos has more than 20 years of experience in providing professional advisory services in business strategy and operations specializing in the areas of Supply Chain, Distribution Networks and Transportation. He is currently leading the Business Strategy and Supply Chain Management & Operations advisory sector in PLANNING Management Consultants SA.

He has extensive experience in analyzing and conducting business and strategic plans and in assessing and developing technology-led business and operational models in the Public and Private Sector for heavy-asset companies like port, railway and  logistics operators, manufacturing and energy companies, as well as for asset-light organizations like courier and logistics providers, retailers, wholesalers, insurance and financial companies.

Prior to PLANNING Nikos worked in managerial positions in other 2 business advisory firms, as a researcher and technical advisor in the National Technical University of Athens and as an independent consultant in the fields of transportation systems and practices, supply chain sustainability and energy management systems.

Nikos holds a MEng and MSc in Mechanical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens.